
When a Challenging Card Pops Up in a Reading 

By  Lynda Jo

“Off with their heads.” The Red Queen in Alice in Wonderland
Yesterday I pulled a spread for the Summer Solstice. I used a spread created by Avril Price (https://avrilprice.com/summer-solstice-spread/). If you don’t know her, I’d recommend checking out her site. The questions asked were:


  1. What is the sun illuminating for me?
  2. How can I work with this insight?
  3. My light is my gift to the world, how do I live that?
  4. What is emerging and getting ready to shine?
  5. How will this support me?
  6. How will this support me?
  7. What is in the shadow that is seeking the light?
  8. How can I open up to greater joy?
  9. What will manifest from the long rays of the sun?

The cards I pulled were all lovely cards about sharing my gifts with others, creating and co-creating, letting myself shine until the last card. For the answer to that wonderful question about what I might manifest, I pulled the Three of Swords. Whoa! Everyone knows this is the card of heartbreak. Keywords associated with the Three of Swords are heartbreak, sorrow, unwelcome truth, betrayal. This is not a card you want to see as something you can expect to manifest. So, I pulled a clarifying card of course. You gotta love tarot—that card was Judgment. Another card that many would rather not see.

So, what now? How could I look at these two cards differently so that I could see a message that wasn’t all doom and gloom? After all, we’re talking about what might be going on in my life for the next six months. I also know that you can’t put a happy spin on everything and sometimes what the cards have to say is a helpful sign post to a better outcome.

After giving some careful consideration to this challenging combination of cards, I realized they were just repeating a theme that has been coming up a lot for me recently—releasing what no longer serves me and listening to the call I am receiving from my heart. And, taking the reading as a whole, I feel very optimistic about the last half of 2022 and what it holds.

Here’s the rest of the reading and my brief interpretations:

  1. Three of Pentacles: I am meant to be creating with others and co-creating with Spirit.
  2. Six of Pentacles: Give freely of myself and it will be given back to me.
  3. The Magician: Know that I have every tool at my disposal, the Universe has my back.
  4. The World: All my study and work is coming to fruition and is ready to be shared.
  5. The Hierophant: Let go of the way things “should” be. Let Spirit and Intuition lead.
  6. The Star: I will shine and the shining will be a great gift to myself and to others.
  7. Ten of Cups: Joy, happiness, pure contentment are mine if I accept them.
  8. The Lovers: Share my joy with those I love.
What cards do you find especially challenging? Leave me a comment.
**Cards from Everyday Tarot by Brigit Esselmont
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